It is hard to believe that we are well into October. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I know the students were eager to discuss their weekends when they arrived on Tuesday. The Grade 2/3 Class has been busy learning lots of new information, getting use to school rules and routines again, as well as making new friends.
Before I share what our class has been working on so far, I have a few updates to share:
1. Our Terry Fox Walk will take place tomorrow Friday October 14th during third block (weather permitted). Please go to School Cash Online to give permission and to make a $2.00 donation.
2. Raz Kids login information was sent home in your child's agenda. Students are encouraged to read for 20 to 30 minutes each night. The 'Reading Room' is where students can find books that are at their reading level.
3. Students were introduced to a math website called Prodigy Play which they have been enjoying using in class. The students explore different locations while answering grade appropriate math questions. I am able to create assignments that focus on topics we have been working on it class. If students complete those assignments, the systems generates other curriculum based questions in the various math strands. Usernames and passwords are also found in your child`s agenda.
4. Our class will be hosting the Thanksgiving Mass at our school on Wednesday October 19th. Many of our classmates will be reading various prayers and intentions as well as presenting gifts. If your child has a reading stapled in their agenda, please have them practice reading it aloud. Our Mass will take place during second block if you would like to attend.
In Language we have been focusing on the Daily 5 centers. Currently, the students have learned about `Read to Self`` and `Work on Writing`. Essentially the class has learned how to read and write independently for a short period of time. We will be incorporating our focus in reading and writing into our centers. Please see our success criteria for our Daily 5 centers.
The class has also been learning about nouns. Nouns are parts of speech that are considered to be people, places, and things. The students are also learning about the difference between common and proper nouns.
In this activity, students created a flip book about different kinds of nouns. |
Our focus in Math has been on reading and interpreting graphs as well as creating graphs from tallies and survey results. Students have been learning about how to read and interpret data found in horizontal and vertical bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots. In addition, students have created a few survey questions, recorded their results using a tally chart, and displayed their results in various graphs. The class is working on coming up with conclusions based on data found in graphs. Reviewing math words such as horizontal, vertical, more than, less than, most, least, fewer, scale, and conclusions is encouraged.
Our Science units are now under way and the students are very eager to learn alot of new information. We started our units by brainstorming things we already knew about plants and animals. Then we thought about questions we have about plants and animals that we would like answered. This led our grade 2 students to learn about butterflies as well a their life cycle. The grade 3 students were curious to learn about what plants need to grow (sunlight, warmth, space, air, water).
Our classroom library has been filled with non-fiction books in which the students can read during Read to Self time.
Our focus over the last few weeks has been on Thanksgiving. Students learned about what Thanksgiving is and why we celebrate it. In addition, we've discussed what we are thankful for and why. The class has also been preparing for our Thanksgiving Mass and learning to sing some new songs.
Physical Education
Through small group and larger group activities, students have learned how to participate actively, cooperatively, and safely. During the month of September, students participated in many icebreaker/cooperative games in order to get to know one another better. We reviewed how to travel safely, where to look when moving around in the gym, various boundaries, and well as important safety words. This week, students participated in two sessions of 'Golf in the Schools.' Students learned about various golf techniques such as how to stand, hold a club, swing, and hit the ball different ways. Lots of fun wad had by all!
In Art, we have been learning about various lines (e.g., straight, wavy, vertical, horizontal, etc). In addition, the class learned about mosaics and were able to create their own acorn mosaic using construction paper. Please see our masterpieces below.
Have a great evening!