Tuesday, 13 September 2016

First Week of School

Hello Parents and/or Guardians,

We had a fantastic first week of school! The students arrived on Tuesday very eager to see their friends and find out who their teachers were. Our returning students have done a great job welcoming our new classmates to St. John Paul II and have been helping to model the rules and routines of our school.

The first week back at school is always a busy one, here are some highlights:


Last week, we read many back to school books including "First Day Jitters." Students were able to make connections between the character's feelings and their own emotions in regards to the first day of school. We also spent some time sharing our summer memories 

To review some phonological awareness concepts, students identified the differences between vowels and consonants as well as syllables. To practise counting syllables, each student said their name aloud and the class counted the syllables in each of their classmates' names. To tie our math unit into our language lesson, we graphed how many syllables are in each name. 


The class got to know each other a little better after working on a 'Math All About Me' activity. Students represented their age, birth date, favourite number, number of pets, pets, number of lost teeth, and family members using various math equations (addition and subtraction). 


We reviewed the concept of community and discussed how our classroom is a community of its own. Students also learned a bit about the various Church Seasons and the importance of our classroom prayer table. 

Physical Education 

The first week of gym activities included reviewing how to actively and safely participate in the gymnasium. Students are learning to work together through cooperative games. 

Other things to note

1. On Friday morning, St John Paul II had our first liturgy of the school year. The focus of the liturgy was to welcome everyone back to school and teach the students and staff more about Saint John Paul II. 

2. Please ask your children about "Beat the Teacher."

3. Our Program Night (Meet the Teachers) is tomorrow. Please join us in the gym at 6:00 pm.

4. Milk orders can be placed through School Cashonline. 

5. Please complete the parent survey that was sent home on Friday. Thank you to those who have handed them in already. 

6. A copy of my Welcome Newsletter was sent home on Friday as well but if you did not have a chance to read it, please click on the link below. 

Thank you, 

       S. Perrone 

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Welcome to a New School Year!

Hello Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to a new school year! It is an absolute pleasure to have your child in our class. My name is Sara Perrone and I will be your child's teacher for this school year. Our class is a combined grade which means that we have both Grade 2 and Grade 3 students in our class. I am looking forward to working with you in partnership to ensure your child has an enjoyable and successful year in Grade Two or Three.

I will be using this blog to inform you of the curriculum expectations that the Grade Twos and Threes are working on, as well as weekly classroom activities, web-based resources, and any reminders about various school events. There is also a spot (right hand side) for you to follow our blog by e-mail.

A welcome letter will be sent home in your child's agenda on Friday outlining important information such as the class hours, the library and gym schedules, healthy lunches, suggested classroom materials, etc. In addition to a healthy lunch, students are encouraged to bring two healthy snacks to school each day. Please refrain from sending food to school that contains any nuts as we are a nut free school. As well, we have a student who is allergic to shellfish (crab, shrimp, lobster) so please refrain from including those food items in your child's lunch as well.

Please note that students must have a pair of indoor and outdoor shoes to change into at school and to participate in physical education activities in the gym. 

I feel that an open line of communication between the parent(s), student, and teacher is very important. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me using your child's agenda or by calling the school a613-744-3591

I am looking forward to meeting you at our Program Night on Wednesday September 14th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm!

Your partner in education,

       Mrs. S. Perrone